RMG Arapahoe in Littleton

Phone Number

Office Hours
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Fax: 303-722-2935


Welcome to the RMG Arapahoe in Littleton clinic!

Our RMG Arapahoe in Littleton clinic and the Arapahoe Endoscopy Center are located in Littleton, in the SouthPark business district. This is the most convenient location for members of  the Littleton, Highlands Ranch, Englewood, and southwest Denver communities.

Rocky Mountain Gastroenterology (RMG) experienced a data breach that impacted customer data. The SUBSTITUTE NOTICE provides the information that we have at this time about the breach and offers a dedicated call center to assist with questions and concerns. If an individual believes their information was involved and have any questions about this incident, please call (833) 844-1955. Please seeSUBSTITUTE NOTICE